Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Positioning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Positioning - Research Paper Example n any organization by providing increased convenience, flexibility and controlling the users as well as influencing their service delivery options being offered, such as easy mobile accessibility at any time. The positioning strategy statement will provide guidance and the commitment by providing unrestricted and multi-channel access paths to information’s to the members of the society. Further, the provision of operational coverage and service capacity with respect to iPhone and network delivery will be ensured (Ortnes, 2011). The organization, on the other hand, appears unique since it provides the commitment to the growth of the technological infrastructure that provide users with the freedom to work with the iPhone mobile device of their choice compared to other organizations. Positioning is a powerful tool in marketing that creates an image of the organization. Best business positioning doesn’t limit opportunities and choices. Some of the primary elements of positioning that the organization aims at include affordable prices of the iPhone that will enable customers to purchase without complaint (Kotler & Keller, 2012). However, the iPhone quality is expected to be high. In connection to this, as the rate of competition is gradually increasing, the organization is required to offer customer-friendly guarantees, return policies and warranties that are not being provided by other competitors. The organization is also expected to provide customized and customized services to the customers (Webster, 2011). The channel of distribution of the iPhone should be strategized. In consideration of the prices, quality, distribution, and services, the organization will automatically capture most customers compared to other organizations in a competitive environm ent. Having visited various places around the market, I realized that the majority of entrepreneurs in the field of marketing selling iPhone models were majorly selling the iPhone, 5c model. Through this, I

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Treatment of Juveniles in the US Criminal Justice System

Treatment of Juveniles in the US Criminal Justice System The juvenile court system was created specifically to deal with children and was established in Chicago over one hundred years ago. It was developed and it created a separate juvenile justice system nationwide. Today juvenile courts are responsible for dealing with children who are accused of committing two types of offenses: status offenses, which are violations of laws with which only children can be charged (e.g., running away from home); and delinquency offenses, which are acts committed by a child which, if committed by an adult, could result in criminal prosecution. Prior to the Progressive Era however, child offenders over the age of seven were imprisoned with adults and such actions had been the model historically. The actions of political and social reformers, as well as the research of psychologists in the 18th and 19th centuries, began a shift in societys views on juvenile delinquents. Early reformers who were interested in rehabilitating rather than punishing children built the New York House of Refuge in 1824. The reformatory housed juveniles who earlier would have been placed in adult jails. Beginning in 1899, individual states took note of the problem of youth incarceration and began establishing similar youth reform homes. Such early changes to the justice system were made under a new found belief that society had a responsibility to recover the lives of its young offenders before they became immersed in the criminal activity they were taking part in. The juvenile justice system exercised its authority within a parens patriae (state as parent or guardian) role. The state assumed the responsibility of parenting the children until they began to demonstrate positive changes, or became adults. At this point youth were no longer tried as adult offenders. Their cases were heard in a somewhat informal court designed for juveniles, often without the assistance of attorneys. Extenuating evidence, outside of the legal facts surrounding the crime or delinquent behavior, was taken into consideration by the judge. Early reform houses were, in many ways, similar to orphanages. The criminal justice system dates back to oldest known codified law, which is known as the Code of Hammurabi. It was established in 1760 BC in ancient Mesopotamia. Laws have been handed down by many different organizations threw out history. For example, in ancient Rome, laws had to be voted on by a Senate before taking effect. In the modern world, laws are typically created and enforced by governments. Within the realm of codified law, there are generally two forms of law that the courts are concerned with. Civil laws are rules and regulations which govern transactions and grievances between individual citizens. Criminal law is concerned with actions which are dangerous or harmful to society as a whole, in which prosecution is pursued not by an individual but rather by the state. The purpose of criminal law is to provide the specific definition of what constitutes a crime and to prescribe punishments for committing such a crime. No criminal law can be valid unless it includes both o f these factors. The subject of criminal justice is, of course, primarily concerned with the enforcement of criminal law. Although both courts have different objectives we know that the juvenile courts main focus is to rehabilitate and the adult court system acts as a more punitive, retributive court. We will proceed to discuss all things related to the juvenile court. The juvenile court process begins with an allegation that a crime has been committed. Next, an arrest can be made based upon allegations. When a juvenile is arrested, just like everything else, the officer must have more than a mere suspicion, there must be probable cause. In some states, police are required to notify a probation officer or other official designated by the juvenile court: in other states, police are required to notify only the childs parents. When a juvenile is arrested s/he is taken to the police station or JAC (Juvenile Assessment Center) for initial screening, after that, the officer then makes a decision whether to terminate the case, divert it to an alternative program, or refer it to juvenile court for formal intake . Intake procedures are designed to screen out cases that do not warrant a formal court hearing. Within 24 hours, there will be a detention hearing (petition). Within the following months ahead there will an arraignment (information), case disposition (discovery), and calendar call (status check). Once all the previous steps have been completed, there will be an adjudicatory hearing (court determines if allegations are supported by evidence) then a disposition (sentencing) and possibly an appeal. Although children have been denied their constitutional protection for the first sixty-seven years of the juvenile court, we are aware that during that time, children were arrested, tried, adjudicated (not convicted), and given a disposition (not a punitive sentence) on the basis of parens patriae. Parens patriae is defined as the power of the state to act on behalf of the child and to provide care and protection equivalent to that of a parent. Throughout the process, the juvenile court system was guided by a rehabilitation philosophy by which the purpose of the court was therapeutic rather than punitive. However, over time, the use of the parens patriae doctrine without constitutional safeguards led to arbitrary treatment for many juvenile offenders. Nowhere was the absence of due process more evident and more problematic than in two cases that found their way to the U.S. Supreme Court. The two cases, Kent v. United States and In re Gault, were characterized by such constitutional flaws that the Supreme Court decided it was finally time to rule on whether juveniles were entitled to due process protections. We will discuss these two very important cases after we discuss the important elements to be considered when going through the court process. A very important element to be considered is the seriousness of the childs offence. Undoubtedly lesser offenses may involve informal hearings, adjudication, and probation supervision and is frequently administered at the intake level, without referral to a judge. If a child has been referred on a minor charge, and the intake worker determines that a court intervention is not necessary but feels the child needs to be impressed with the seriousness of his or her actions, the worker may lecture the child and make the warning more impressive. The child may be taken before a judge for a strict reprimand. If it has been decided the child will be submitted to a formal court hearing, a petition is filed. The petition tells exactly what delinquent act was committed and notifies the child of the claims made about his or her misconduct. This petition operates the same way an indictment would for an adult. The Supreme Court in its final decision claims that a jury trial is an adult right that is not essential in juvenile proceedings, and also stated that a jury trial in any case does not ensure competence and fact-finding function of the proceedings. Juveniles do get everything else the Constitution provides, double jeopardy, and even at one point the death penalty. In 1998 there were 73 people on death row who had committed their offenses while under the age of 18. The Court decided it was unconstitutional to execute a juvenile under the age of 16, and the reasoning for that is because 16 years of age is generally recognized as the age separating childhood from adulthood. In most states, this is the age at which minors are legally allowed to take on some adult responsibilities, like driving a car. The need to preserve an orderly society has been a major concern throughout our nations history. Ever since there were correctional institutions for juveniles, they have been filled to capac ity. The criminal justice system and court systems in general, strive everyday to understand. The right to due process of the law will always remain a big issue for the juvenile court system. Rights such as: The accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district Sixth Amendment. The right of trial by jury shall be preserved Seventh Amendment. Also, the jury is to be comprised of ones peers but when a juvenile has a jury trial, the jury is made up of adults, not children. A well known supporter for juveniles getting a fare trial once said: Neither the Fourteenth Amendment nor the Bill of Rights is for adults only. In 1971, the issue of whether juveniles had a right to a jury trial was reviewed by the Supreme Court in McKeiver v Pennsylvania. It was argued that if children were subject to the same incarceration as adults, and our Constitutional rights to a jury trial was for everyone also, children should get the same rights as adults. The Court did not agree, but they were aware of the imperfections in the juvenile court system. They also agreed that children should be allowed informal protective proceeding. In the end, the Court agreed that additional adult rights would be entered into the proceedings, but it had to be done with great caution. The adult court process starts with an allegation that a crime has been committed followed by an arrest based upon the allegation where the adult will be taken to county jail. Within the next 24 hours, the adult will make their first appearance (bail) where the formal charges will be brought forth to them. The adult will then be arraigned (information), have a case disposition (discovery), and a calendar call (status check). Upon the completion of those steps, there will be a trial (states burden to prove reason beyond a reasonable doubt) and depending on the outcome there can be an appeal. In the juvenile court, the terminology referring to the situation that has occurred is known otherwise as an act of delinquency and in the adult court the term crime is used. Another difference is the way in which the juvenile offenders background is taken into consideration. For instance, the juveniles academic record and family background are taken into consideration for the case. This is not true in the case of the adult. Adults do not receive this special consideration when they are in front of the judge. The criminal justice systems for adults and juveniles are different in many significant ways. Their differences vary from state to state. In general, juveniles are not prosecuted for committing crimes, but rather delinquent acts. When the delinquent acts are very serious, they may be considered crimes and the juvenile may be tried in the adult system. Juveniles dont have a right to a public trial by jury. For a juvenile charged with a crime, the trial portion of the case involves a judge hearing evidence and ruling on whether or not the minor is delinquent. This is called an adjudication hearing. Once the juvenile has been deemed delinquent, the court will determine what action should be taken. This stage differs from the adult system in the purpose of the action. In the adult system, the goal is to punish. In the juvenile system, on the other hand, the goal is to rehabilitate and serve the minors best interest. Juvenile courts are often more informal than those for adults. For examp le, rules about the admissibility of evidence may be more lenient. Even though the juvenile and adult criminal justice systems have significant differences, there are also many similarities between the two. Most importantly, individuals in both systems retain many of the same rights. These include these rights: (1) The right to an attorney, (2) The right to confront and cross-examine witnesses, (3) The privilege against self-incrimination, (4) The right to notice of the charges, and (5) The prosecution must provide proof beyond a reasonable doubt before a person can be convicted. The juvenile courts tend to focus on the individualized rehabilitation of the offender. The adult courts tend to focus on the expression of the communitys disapproval for the illegal behavior with an appropriate amount of punishment for every conviction. It is interesting that when offenders are in the adult courts that we no longer take into consideration their backgrounds or special circumstances. It seems that as a society, we tend to try and protect our children regardless of their actions. Adults are treated in a much different fashion since there is a level of understanding that we expect. The juvenile court has many steps that the adult courts do not have. The juvenile courts begin with the term of delinquent, and the act is referred to as a delinquent act. In the case of the adult, the person is known as a criminal who committed a crime. It would seem that there is severe labeling from the beginning of the case. To clarify the term labeling, it can be described as a common occurrence in our lives. When children are referred to as delinquents or adults are called criminals for their actions, this is an example of labeling. The idea of the juvenile justice system rests on the fact that children are developmentally different from adults and thus are more prone to reach to treatment and rehabilitation. The juvenile justice process centers on the individual child and takes into account the childs problems and needs, focusing less on punishment and more on helping the child to change and so minimize the likelihood of future criminal behavior. During the past ten years there has been a fear of juvenile crime and even more recently we have seen a much bigger spike within juveniles for more heinous crimes. Such cases as the burning of the 15 year old boy in Broward County, the rape of a Bay Area California teen during a school dance while more than 20 witnesses watched the gang rape and cases near home such as the fatal stabbing of a Coral Gables high school student. Cases such as these provide for the idea that state legislatures and the federal government will increasingly turn to the more punitive adult mod el, requiring that even pre-teen children in some instances be treated as if they were equal in culpability and understanding to adults who commit similar crimes. Although there may be in fact a pendulum swing with the juvenile justice system the underlying rationales of the juvenile court system are that youth are developmentally different from adults and that their behavior is accepting. Rehabilitation and treatment, in addition to community protection, are considered to be primary and feasible goals. Limitations are placed on public access to juvenile records because of the belief that juvenile offenders can be successfully rehabilitated, and in order to avoid their unnecessary stigmatization most files are only disclosed to government agencies when necessary. Court proceedings may be confidential to protect the privacy of the juvenile. The juvenile justice system follows a psychological casework approach, taking into account a detailed assessment of the youths history in order to meet his or her specific needs. The juvenile offender faces a hearing, rather than a trial, which incorporates his social history as well as legal factors. Law enforcement has the option of preventative detention, which is detaining a youth for his own protection or the communitys protection. Not all states afford juveniles the right to a jury trial. A juvenile offender is judged delinquent rather than guilty. Because of the individualized nature of the juvenile justice system, sentencing varies and may cover a wide range of community-based and residential options. The disposition is based on the individuals offense history and the severity of the offense, and includes a significant rehabilitation component. The disposition can be for an unspecified period of time; the court can send a youth to a certain facility or program until it is det ermined he or she is rehabilitated, or until h/she reaches the age of majority. The disposition may also include a restitution component and can be directed at people other than the offender, for example his parents. Parole combines surveillance with activities to reintegrate the juvenile into the community. On the contrary, in the criminal justice system rehabilitation is not a primary goal. The goal of the criminal justice system is to operate under sanctions and be proportional to the offense. In the criminal justice system deterrence is seen as a successful outcome of punishment. Unlike in the juvenile court system, all criminal records have open public access and all court proceedings are open to the public. Defendants in the criminal justice system are put on trial and this is based on the gathering of information and legal facts. Defendants have the right to apply for bond or bail; however, this is never guaranteed and only the judge can grant this. Defendants are entitled to a jury trial which is a constitutional right. If a defendant is found innocent or guilty, depending on the verdict they may be incarcerated and sentenced to a specified period of time which is determined by the severity of the offense. Parole is primarily based on surveillance and monitoring of illicit behavi or. Often times whenever a very severe crime is committed by a juvenile; such as a murder or gang related acts, they are tried as adults. Beginning about 35 years ago, increases in violent juvenile crime permitted judges to transfer juveniles to adult criminal courts. No national data exist on the number of juvenile offenders prosecuted as adults. Juvenile court is a special court or department of a trial court which deals with under-age defendants charged with crimes or who are neglected or out of the control of their parents. The normal age of these defendants is under 18, but juvenile court does not have jurisdiction in cases in which minors are charged as adults. The procedure in juvenile court is not always adversarial, although the minor is entitled to legal representation by a lawyer. Parents or social workers and probation officers may be involved in the process to achieve positive results and save the minor from involvement in future crimes. However, serious crimes and repeated offenses can result in sentencing juvenile offenders to prison, with transfer to state prison upon reaching adulthood with limited maximum sentences, often up until the age of 21. Where parental neglect or loss of control is a problem, the juvenile court may seek out foster homes for the juvenile, treating the child as a ward of the court. The Juvenile Court handles case of delinquency and dependency. Delinquency refers to crimes committed by minors, and dependency includes cases where a non-parental person is chosen to care for a minor. Now that we have a better understanding of the juvenile court process and procedures, we will review two very important cases dealing with juveniles and their due process laws. The Kent case concerned the transfer of a juvenile from the jurisdiction of the juvenile court to the adult criminal justice system. The juvenile justice system recognized that certain forms of criminal conduct require that children be tried as adults in the adult criminal justice rather than the juvenile system. Thus, most jurisdictions had statues by which certain juveniles would be removed from the juvenile justice system. There were two basic methods: (1) Some states used a waiver or transfer hearing; and (2) some states excluded certain offenses from the juvenile courts jurisdiction. Because of the nature and effect of the waiver decision on the child in terms of status and disposition, the U.S. Supreme Court used the Kent case to consider procedural protections for juveniles in the waiver process. The Supreme Court ruled that the waiver proceeding was a critically important stage in the juvenile process and that juveniles must be afforded minimum requirements of due process of law at such proceedings. As stated by Larry J. Siegel and Paul E. Tracy in the book Juvenile Law, the In re Gault case concerned the process by which juvenile courts should give a punitive disposition for a juvenile and expose the child to a possibly long period of incarceration for a relatively minor offense. The Supreme Court ruled that the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment required that certain procedural guarantees were essential to the adjudication of delinquency cases. It then specified the nature of due process by indicating that juveniles who have violated a criminal statue and who may be committed to an institution in which their freedom may be curtailed are entitled to: (1) fair notice of charges against them; (2) right to representation by counsel; (3) right to confrontation and cross-examination; and (4) the privilege against self-incrimination. The Gault decision, and particularly the constitutional right of a juvenile to the assistance of counsel, completely altered the juvenile ju stice system. Juveniles in adult prisons face an array of problems because the criminal justice system was not created to rehabilitate, therefore these juveniles are being exposed to harden criminals and are being victimized on a daily basis. Children in adult correctional facilities suffer higher rates of physical and sexual abuse and suicide. Compared to those held in juvenile detention centers, study show that youth held in adult jails are: (1) 7.7 times more likely to commit suicide, (2) 5 times more likely to be sexually assaulted, (3) twice as likely to be beaten by staff, and (4) 50% more likely to be attacked with a weapon. Children in adult facilities, particularly in jails, frequently do not receive the education or other services appropriate to their needs. In many states juveniles are treated the same as adults and are provided the same health, educational and recreational services. Few adult correctional agencies provide special programming developed for this age group and most states do not provide special staff training on handling juvenile offenders. The situation for girls is particularly troublesome as there are so few of them nationally that there will often be only one female under 18 in a particular prison and therefore little likelihood of special services being provided. The move to send more children into the adult criminal justice system is a major rethinking of the traditional view that delinquent children need help to turn their lives around and belong in a system that focuses primarily on rehabilitation rather than punishment. Surprisingly, the nationwide transformation to this more punitive approach is taking place despite the continuing decline in juvenile crime. As the number of juvenile cases heard in criminal court increases, more people involved in the system are recognizing that adult courts are inappropriate and unjust settings for children whose developmental immaturity puts them at a disadvantage at every stage in the system. There is increasing evidence of the long-term and damaging consequences suffered by children who are imprisoned in adult prisons and jails. Furthermore, the imposition of adult punishments, far from deterring crime, actually increases the likelihood that a young person will commit further criminal offenses. The tr ansfer of increasing numbers of children from juvenile to criminal courts is continuing in the face of mounting evidence of the harm it does both to the children and to public safety once again tough on crime politics undermines good public policy. Work Cited Associated Content (May 2006). Juvenile and Adult Courts: A Comparative Analysis. Retrieved February 18, 2010, from http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/31663/juvenile_and_adult_courts_a_comparative.html. LawyerShop. History of Americas Juvenile Justice System. Retrieved February 18, 2010, from http://www.lawyershop.com/practice-areas/criminal-law/juvenile-law/history/. Legal Match. How Does the Juvenile Criminal Justice System Differ From the Adult Justice System. Retrieved February 15, 2010, from http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/juvenile-vs-adult-criminal-system.html. MoneyInstructor. Inside Juvenile Court: How the Criminal Justice System Punishes Todays Juveniles. Retrieved February 15, 2010, from http://www.moneyinstructor.com/doc/juvenilecourt.asp. PBS (1999). Juvenile vs Adult Justice. Retrieved February 23, 2010, from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/juvenile/stats/juvvsadult.html. Siegel, Larry J and Tracy, Paul E. (2008). Juvenile Law: A collection of Leading US Supreme Court Cases. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc. P 9-52

Friday, October 25, 2019

Elizabeth Barrett Browning :: essays papers

Elizabeth Barrett Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning was born Elizabeth Barrett Moulton-Barrett at Coxhoe Hall, Durham County on March 6, 1806. She was one of twelve children. Her parents, Edward Moulton-Barrett and Mary Graham Clarke Moulton-Barrett had eight sons and four daughters. Between 1809 and 1814 Elizabeth began writing poetry. In 1818 she wrote â€Å"The Battle of Marathon† and in 1820 her father had it published. When Elizabeth was fifteen years of age, she developed an illness and was prescribed Opium, which began her lifelong Opium habit. Elizabeth’s first published work was â€Å"The Rose and Zephyr† in 1825 at the age of twenty-one. A year later, she published An Essay on Mind. Both publications were anonymous and were financially supported by her family. Her father assisted in getting them both published. Elizabeth had commented later in her career that these works were â€Å"Pope’s Homer done over again, or rather redone†. She obviously thought very little of the early part of her career. Her Mother passed away in 1828 and Elizabeth began studying classical literature under H.S. Boyd. Her next publication was Prometheus Bound, published in 1833 and once again, anonymously. This translation was from the Greek playwright, Aeschylus. Boyd re-ignited an interest of Elizabeth’s since childhood, in Greek literature and studies. During her youth, Elizabeth was self- taught in the area of literature. She read Paradise Lost, Dante’s Inferno and the Old Testament, in Hebrew, which was obviously the backdrop for Prometheus Bound. In 1837 Elizabeth’s health deteriorated when she burst a blood vessel affecting her lungs; Elizabeth became an invalid. One year later, Elizabeth published her first volume of poetry under her own name, The Seraphim and Other Poems. This work received favorable reviews, which in turn, brought about a correspondence with Wordsworth, Carlyle, and Poe. Poe even wrote an introduction in Elizabeth’s two-volume edition of poetry Poems in 1844. She truly began her literary career in 1838. Elizabeth moved to Torquay for her health and was often accompanied by different family members but her favorite was her brother, Edward. Elizabeth’s uncle passed away that sa me year leaving her financially secure. In 1840, Edward drowned in Babbacombe Bay off Torquay. She then wrote â€Å"De Profundis† expressing her grief. In 1840, Elizabeth wrote â€Å"The Cry of the Children†. In 1841 she returned to London, still an invalid, and began working on reviews, articles, and translations.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Buisness Letter Order

Hi. How are you? I don’t think you remember me. I am a your niece [Your name] thrice removed. I am Evelyn’s little girl. You visited us last Christmas. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you how much fun I had that Christmas getting to know you all over again. I hoped to keep in touch with you after Christmas. Remember when I told you about the business venture I have with Christie? You remember Christie? she’s your other neice, my cousin. You also met her at Christmas.Christie is the girl with the long dark hair and dark eyes. She’s is the most  friendly person you could ever meet. Well, you saw that when you met her at Christmas. She’s a graphic artist and graduated valedictorian. Christie receives so many job offers from major companies, even DISNEY! She’s married now with a baby. The baby is adorable. Her husband is a really nice guy. The baby is one year old, and her name is Isabel. As for me, I am a graphic artist too and also a computer e xpert. I graduated just this year. Christie and I have invested in a space for a store we want to open at the huge mall at Rockaway in New Jersey where we live.It is a custom designed gift basket store for all occasions. Though the huge Rockaway mall stores are varied, they are lacking a store, which provides something more personal to the public. There are too many stores, which consist of cold impersonal items such as electronics, Order#31114685 Pg. 2 clothes, music, on the first floor. Books, videos games, furniture, on the second floor, food, toys, shoes on the third, computer disks, thimbles, exotic furniture, movies, bed clothes, on the fourth. Desks, paper products and hair brushes etc on the fifth.Appliances on the sixth, hair cutters and fur coats on the seventh. I know these items can seem personal, however not as personal as a customized gift basket. Our idea is to open a store in the mall as well as a virtual storefront on the Internet. Christie and I have already accumu lated 100,000 in seed money between us however; we’re going to need a little more to make our dream a reality. But let me first tell you about our little store before I ask you for the money. Christie and I are thinking of a huge friendly store designed for people to enter andleisurely choose inside colorful bins filled with personal items such as stuffed bears, pretty personalized stationary, candy, pretty colored pens and pencils, plastic jewelry (The kind you would find in a bubble gum machine) and all scents of perfume oil; all forare low price. The design for our store is openly friendly. Tall walls painted a sunny yellow color, greet the customers are greeted as they arrive. The concept is for people to be able to enter our store and freely look over our inventory inside the bins to choose what they want to have fortheir gift basket. The customers then will arrive at the cashier, pay for the items and choose what customized gift basket you want. Our customers will choos e from a large portfolio of different types of gift baskets for all occasions, painted with rich bright colors, custom-made by Christie. Her specialty is a yellow and brown celophane wrapped gift basket in the shape of Spongebob Squarepants. She paints the straw baskets and stuffs them for the customers herself. Order#31114685 Pg. 3 The competition as I said before Aunt Betty, is non-existentThey are all cold and impersonal electronics, and we think boring. We see that they have a normal amount of customers streaming in and out of these stores, however it will definitely not be as much as there will be coming into our stores. Like I said before, our gift baskets are for all occasions and are already in demand. We have orders for Birthdays, holidays, weddings, christenings and anniversaries. The list is very long and is getting longer as word gets out since finishing our website. Our virtual store on the Internet is expertly done, if I shouldsay so myself with colorful pictures of th e assortment of the many gift baskets we can create and Christie and myself. I also included our history as computer graphic designers and has generated over 200 orders already with over 100 orders in backorders. We have money already, over $200. 00 however we need some more to keep this dream going. We can save you money, legally as a small business tax exemption that will make you a lot more money in future, Aunt Betty. Socially, we will be famous as we make more money for you globally as well as nationally.The truth is people today would rather give a gift that is personal instead of something cold and impersonal like an electronic something which needs batteries every two weeks. I hope to hear from you soon, after you receive this letter, Aunt Betty and see you this coming Christmas. Maybe then you can see the space we have rented out in the mall for our store. I am sure you will like it. Best wishes. Sincerely, [Your signature] [Your name] -Works Cited- The Little, Brown Handbo ok fourth Edition H. Ramsey Fowler Jane E. Aaron; Copyright ? 1989 by Scott, Foresman and Company.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

It Takes Two to Tango- But Who Took the First Step Essay

It was a very controversial arrest that rang not just within the locality of Massachusetts but has echoed as an international dispute. What we are talking about in here is the contentious arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates by Sgt James Crowley together with other Cambridge police officers. The incident that relives the heat of the racism discussions happened 16th of July 2009 in Ware Streets, Cambridge, Massachusetts when a 911 call prompted the Cambridge Police Department about two males who seemed to be prowlers trying to break into one of the residences in the said place. The police officers responded to this alarming call from Lucia Whalen which led to the arrest of Professor Gates. (Trujillo) It is not surprising to hear two different tales from two different authors. What happened between police officers responding and the professor’s arrest is a story of a split version. In one hand Sgt Crowley and the rest of the team who responded to this very particular incident reasoned out that the detainment was due to â€Å"disorderly conduct† of Mr. Gates. For the party this would be sufficient enough to justify the arrest of the professor despite the fact that he was able to identify himself as the owner of the place he was reported to be breaking in. On the other hand Professor Henry Louis Gates strongly believed that a noticeable issue of racism was behind his arrest. This confrontation disturbed the public for several gray areas can be found in the story. People of course are divided by their own opinions regarding this matter. Who is right and who is wrong? Who acted accordingly and who delineated from what is proper? This issue reminds me of a cliche that is indeed of great value-it takes two to tango. Never was there an instance where a fire is ignited by a single force alone. What happened in Massachusetts in Professor Gate’s home shouldn’t have taken place if both of them analyzed the situation in the most critical manner. However even tough it’s true that it takes two to tango; we always have to remember that someone has to take the first step always. According to the news police officers reported that Professor Gates shouted at them and inculpated them with being racially biased officers. (Fox News) Moreover, police reports said that Gates displayed rough behavior with them with his strong belief that everything is all about his color and even warned the officers that they do not know who they are messing with. (Thompson) With these alleged display of behavior we definitely can say that Professor Gate really was moving and acting with his emotions in his head. It is always a weakness for someone to cling with his or her emotional outrages if he or she wanted to be critical in thinking for he or she demarcates him/herself from reason. Professor Gates is the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor who is also cradling the responsibility of being the Director of the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard University. This highly-acclaimed cultural critic also is the editor-in-chief of the online magazine centering on the interests of African American people. Studies) Having these entire in mind we can say that professor Gates really must be sensitive about the issue of race and racial discrimination. Thus having a seemingly first hand experience of it would definitely ignite a hot temper. Maybe things would have gotten a different way if Professor Gates was able to recognize his own biases and assumptions in reference to the point of view of the cops. This is a prerequisite for self awareness that is nee ded for one to be critically mindful. Also weighing of the scope and gravity of evidences would have helped Professor Gates in handling the situation in a lighter way. The main concern that has led Sgt James Crowley and team to the doorsteps of Professor Gates was the alleged burglary and although it wasn’t a smooth flowing type of talking the fact that the professor was able to identify himself as the resident of the place should have ended everything. However, it did not. Being accused of stealing something that belonged to you wouldn’t make you feel okay. Instinct would definitely trigger a negative emotion that might lead to series of acts that aren’t mindful at all. Sgt Crowley could have saved a better encounter with the professor if he was able to control his seemingly egotistical judgment and if he has been open to several other ways of understanding the entire situation. Moreover, if Sgt Crowley was also able to recognize emotional whims before he acted upon the situation, things should have gone differently. It is the two sides of the coin that this article is looking at. If you ask me who between the two let their ego move them, well it’s both of them. And for who made the first step, maybe it doesn’t matter for they both let a disturbing dance reach the international stage that even President Obama have had something to say. In response to a question thrown on him regarding Professor Gate’s arrest, President Obama mentioned three interesting comments. â€Å"But I think it’s not fair to say, No. 1, any of us would be pretty angry. No. 2, the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home. And No. what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there is a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately, and that’s just a fact. † (Fox News) This comment also generated a controversy around the international arena. Cops not just in Massachusetts reacted negatively on what Obama said in the conference. Good thing the president knew what to do. The â€Å"beer summit,† which was a talk initiated by the President himself to end the dispute and issue for once has cooled both parties and solved the problems. Fox News) Both parties were held together after the conversation at the White House and Professor Gates who previously is planning a lawsuit against Sgt Crowley is no longer talking about this after being able to know Sgt Crowley better with the help of the invitation for a conversation by the president. Moreover in an email to Boston Globe, Gates stated that he was ready to move on pass that arresting experience. With a cooler head Gates even identified his experience to be adding up to the history of race relations in the entire America. (Fox News) Sgt James Crowley continued being silent about the issue even after the talk over beers in the White House. After the incident, all ends well. Everyone is back doing their own profession. It is really important to keep in mind that actions moved by emotional outrage wouldn’t serve anything nice at all. It is indeed being in the height of an emotion that we would least do decision making and talking. Self restraint will be the best guide if we know how to master it. People are certainly different creatures for two reasons; emotion and reason. Both are powerful thus it can make us or break us if we wouldn’t know how to control them. A person who can control his or her emotion and who knows how to use reason is unlikely to be involved in problematic situation such as this incident. I believe that both Professor Gates and Sgt Crowley know how to handle the situation. I think they both know what to do and what not to do in that very scenario it is just that the emotional height and egotistical concerns reigned more rather than reason. And there started the problem which actually could have been prevented if both take even just a few seconds to think before they have acted. This might be easier said than done but it is ideal. It is not perfection that we want; it is just all about maximizing the capability of man over his or her emotions. In every situation we always wanted to do the right thing, we always wanted to be critical so as to lessen any mistakes in the decisions we make or words we say or things we do. Being critical though is not an easy task; it takes a lot of maturity and open-mindedness, rationality and judgment. In addition to this, it needs practice-continuous practice for it to be a habit. Professor Gates and Sgt Crowley both have a contribution to why that incident occurred in the first place thus having an equal share of a kind of publicity whether positive or negative that would leave a mark in their lives as they leave marks in human’s history.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Speeches of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln Compared essays

Speeches of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln Compared essays Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln are both addressing people who are experiencing a difficult time in history. In fact, both men are facing the issue of a nation at war. Jefferson was speaking to a nation that was seeking its independence from a separate country. Lincoln was addressing a country that was facing an internal war. Both men were forced to look at what government meant for the people and more importantly, they had to decide if that government was worth fighting to keep. In the face of tension and strife, Jefferson and Lincoln produced documents that not only helped to settle growing conflicts, but also helped define America as it In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson is speaking for a group people that desire to break free from the control of Great Britain. He is also addressing the British government. His views must be understood by both sides in order to be successful. Jefferson laid this document out in a superb manner, beginning with the statement that people must, at times, "dissolve the political bands" (Jefferson) which have previously bound them to one another. In addition, it is important to note that at the time, Jefferson and the other framers was drafting an incredible document because they were speaking out against the British monarchy, which was no small event. They were risking practically everything by committing treason. Jefferson believed that the colonists had every right to rebel against Britain. For one thing, they had not considered themselves part of British system for some years. There were two points that caused Jefferson to believe this way. One significant point that Jefferson makes is that all people are created equal and, as a result, have to right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. These are the infamous inalienable rights with which every American citizen is born. Another point he makes in the Declarati...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Next Generation Display Market Global Industry Analysis, Market Size, Share, Trends, Analysis, Growth And Forecast, 2013 2019 Essays

Next Generation Display Market Global Industry Analysis, Market Size, Share, Trends, Analysis, Growth And Forecast, 2013 2019 Essays Next Generation Display Market Global Industry Analysis, Market Size, Share, Trends, Analysis, Growth And Forecast, 2013 2019 Essay Next Generation Display Market Global Industry Analysis, Market Size, Share, Trends, Analysis, Growth And Forecast, 2013 2019 Essay Next Generation Display Market Global Industry Analysis, Market Size, Share, Trends, Analysis, Growth And Forecast, 2013 2019 Advancements in optoelectronics and nanotechnology have changed the display technology in last few years. Due the environmental issues there is high demand for the green products and energy efficient products. With consuming less energy providing other qualities such as high resolution, better display quality and improved backlight are provided by next generation display technologies. 4K technology which refers to 4,000 pixels in horizontal resolution in various digital formats used mainly in shooting motion pictures and scanning 35 mm film into digital. Products using 4K technology are used in various applications such as retail advertisement, entertainment, consumer electronics, business education, aerospace defense and so on. In the next generation display market, digital cameras and smart TVs are showing significant growth rate over the other products . Visit Complete Report Here: marketresearchreports.biz/analysis-details/next-generation-display-market-global-industry-analysis-market-size-share-trends-analysis-growth-and-forecast-2013-2019 The 4K technology product portfolio includes smartphones tablets, monitors, digital cameras, projectors, smart TVs and camcorders among others. As in the market of TVs the demand for large screen is increasing, the smart TVs market is expected to witness high growth rate in the coming three to four years. Minimum use of resources, tough, slim and flexible displays, changing trend in display market, wider viewing angles and high resolution are some of the driving forces for this market. While high cost of ingredients used and applications developed using this display are some restraining factors for this market. Reduction of price by mass production and low cost fabrication are some opportunities for the players in this market. The cinematographers are also

Sunday, October 20, 2019

7 Religious Christmas Quotes About Jesus

7 Religious Christmas Quotes About Jesus Christmas reminds us of  the trials and tribulations of Jesus Christ, and what better way to remember the reason for the season than religious quotes  that focus on the life of the savior.  The remarks that follow, both from the Bible and from prominent Christians,  serve as a reminder that good always triumphs over evil. D. James Kennedy, Christmas Stories for the Heart The star of Bethlehem was a star of hope that led the wise men to the fulfillment of their expectations, the success of their expedition. Nothing in this world is more fundamental for success in life than hope, and this star pointed to our only source for true hope: Jesus Christ. Samuel Johnson The Church does not superstitiously observe days, merely as days, but as memorials of important facts. Christmas might be kept as well upon one day of the year as another; but there should be a stated day for commemorating the birth of our Saviour, because there is danger that what may be done on any day, will be neglected. Luke 2:9-14 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were so  afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. George W. Truett Christ was born in the first century, yet he belongs to all centuries. He was born a Jew, yet He belongs to all races. He was born in Bethlehem, yet He belongs to all countries. Matthew 2:1-2 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. Larry Libby, Christmas Stories for the Heart Late on a sleepy, star-spangled night, those angels peeled back the sky just like you would tear open a sparkling Christmas present. Then, with light and joy pouring out of Heaven like water through a broken dam, they began to shout and sing the message that baby Jesus had been born. The world had a Savior! The angels called it Good News, and it was. Matthew 1:21 And she will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Marketing Red pull Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Marketing Red pull - Assignment Example The study has selected UK as target international destination for Red Bull in order to develop marketing plan. In order to develop three-year marketing plan for Red Bull, the study will focus on three key issues. Issue 1- analyze the macro and micro environmental dynamics pertinent to UK and conduct environmental appraisal for Red Bull. Issue 2- on the basis of environmental appraisal; identify two new target segments appropriate to Red Bull in the U.K. market. As part of new target market selection, customer profiling, age group, characteristics of target group and positioning of the brand ‘Red Bull’ will also be discussed. Issue 3- on the basis of new target market selection; develop differentiated marketing mix for each target market identified. In the report, marketing objectives and control mechanism for individual marketing mix projected for particular target group will also be discussed. Red Bull is regarded as most popular energy drink across different countries in the world (Farris, 2010). Although, the Red Bull products were developed by TC Pharmaceutical during early 1980’s but Dietrich Mateschitz rejuvenated the product and established the brand as ‘Red Bull Energy Drink’ in Austria during 1981 (Red Bull, 2014a). From the initial years, market position of Red Bull Energy Drink was strengthened through unique positioning, integrating research and development (R&D) activities with product innovation and customization of marketing activities (Farris, 2010). In the last 26 years, the company has established its distribution channel in more than 55 countries. As of 2012, Red Bull sells more than 5 billion cans annually (Red Bull, 2014b). During 1980s, Red Bull was sold as medicine containing caffeine that can boost energy level upon consumption but the company has successfully repositioned the brand through streamlining

Friday, October 18, 2019

MelaFind Technology Cutting Backon Melanoma Biopsies Essay

MelaFind Technology Cutting Backon Melanoma Biopsies - Essay Example This device is not a screening device and is only used when the mole looks irregular and the dermatologist needs more information. This technology will apply to people with skin moles that are accessible for use by the machine, patients with clinically atypical cutaneous and pigmented lesions in the skin, patients with moles that are sufficiently pigmented, and those without fibrosis or scars from previous trauma (Nasir et al 128). It also applies to patients with intact skin and whose mole is over 1 cm from their eyes, and those who do not have moles on anatomic sites like genitals, lips, feet soles, and their palms. MelaFind will improve quality and delivery of healthcare because it has been impossible to tell about the harm posed by moles without invasive surgical biopsies. The device now helps the dermatologist to make the correct call with regard to whether invasive surgery is required (Nasir et al 129). It gives additional information to the doctor to reduce the patients that would otherwise have been left with scars that are unnecessary from the biopsy, while also reducing unnecessary procedure costs. In the future, the device can be designed to identify colorless melanomas, large melanomas, as well as squamous and basal cell carcinoma. In addition, its specificity could be improved because it still has a problem in differentiating hypothetical pregnancy tests and non-melanomas (Nasir et al 130). This will improve its ability to reduce the high rates of false

Protecting Freedom Of Expression on the Campus Essay

Protecting Freedom Of Expression on the Campus - Essay Example The author cites the recent wave of unrest t Harvard University. It is reported that a group of students were upset when their colleagues hoisted Confederate flags in public, while in protest, another student displayed a swastika. Debate concerning how best to deal with such incidents broke out. While some people consider the exhibition of such symbols as a way of exercising their freedom of expression, others hold that such actions should be restricted because they create rivalries between communities. According to the First Amendment, the display of such symbols is a form of expression and cannot be restricted, simply because it upsets a majority of people. Accordingly, people facing sucha situation should find a way of resolving the problem amicably. In the author’s view, it is only through dialogue that such acts can be resolved. According to Bok, just as officials at Harvard have held talks with students to educate them on the need for mutual respect, other agencies facing such problems should do the same (52). It is easier to resolve such issues of ethnic intolerance with dialogue; rather than restrictions. The use of restrictions would lead to public outcry, resulting in more problems. American universities should cultivate a culture of respect for our collective ideals, while respecting the freedom of

System in organization final paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

System in organization final paper - Essay Example Insurance industry is a world where competition progresses speedily and the requirements of customers change quickly, Lenox should see that IT oriented system is to be delivered in months and not in a period of over three years. Oxford Health Plans Inc was ranked as the fifth top –growing company in the United States in 1996 by the Fortune magazine as the business was growing both in revenues and in members. Everything went topsy-turvy when Oxford management tried to introduce new computerized billing system as the executive’s paid a little or poor attention to information technology. The bad structuring and management of Oxford billing system not only tarnished the company’s brand name but also resulted its future growth as Oxford’s stock price stumbled down to one-third of its earlier quote due whooping loses of $ 300 million. If the management do not spot the apt IT-enabled chances, introduce misguided systems or mishandle the whole activity , in such scenarios ,IT systems can even be proved to be devastating like what it had happened in Oxford. Badly visualized and implemented IT investments become hazardous in the long run if it is not noticed at the early stage. Sullivan should have been made to directly report to Bennett, CEO rather than reporting to Fontana, CFO. Sullivan, as a CIO, should have assumed responsibility for outcomes of IT investments, in collaboration with the senior management. A management committee should have been formed with CIO as the head and this committed should have supervised the real-time systems and should have introduced necessary changes as and when necessary. Lenox CEO is fully aware that by bringing the latest technology, by modernizing key applications and by rationalizing and reorganizing the information services at Lenox, it definitely helps Lenox to see its business is growing. If investment in information technology is

Thursday, October 17, 2019

History of Slavery in Colonial America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

History of Slavery in Colonial America - Essay Example The Portuguese first utilized the slave trade around 1562 (Sylvester, 1998). The prime area for slaves was on the west coast of Africa called the Sudan. The peoples inhabiting the Sudan and surrounding areas were known for their skills in agriculture, farming, and mining. Europeans soon realized the commodity these skilled laborers could bring to their countries and began trading them regularly. African tribal wars produced captives, which became a bartering resource in the European slave market. Black and white slave hunters obtained those not captured during war. The main sources of barter used by the Europeans to secure African slaves were glass beads, whiskey, ivory, and guns. The first slaves to arrive in America were brought to the Jamestown settlement in 1619. A Dutch slave trader exchanged his cargo of Africans in that year (Becker, 1999). This was the first time an African set foot in the New World. The first slaves were brought to Jamestown as indentured servants, having to serve seven years for a master before gaining their freedom, the same as white indentured servants. This became a problem in latter years however, when the indentured servants were done with their time, they became competition for their masters and caused outrage among the predominantly white business world. There is some argument a... Some argue however, that the word servant as was used to describe the African slaves by the white settlers was the same inference that the word had in England, which was more akin to the more modern definition of slavery. These same scholars argue that southern plantation owners and slave masters still used the term "servants" to describe their slaves right up until the end of the Civil War. While white indentured servants where still the primary source for cheap labor in the colonies, tensions were growing between the poor workers and the newly emerging merchant class. The merchant class was now able to seize land and hold it as their own, regardless of the poor farmer's objections. The merchant class was also given the right to vote since they were technically landowners. This had the former indentured servants angry, and they were beginning to revolt. Bacon's Rebellion Slavery in the colonies grew in necessity following Bacon's Rebellion. Bacon's Rebellion occurred when a settler named Nathaniel Bacon disobeyed direct orders and seized a tribe of Native Americans for allegedly stealing his corn. Bacon was reprimanded and soon he began leading revolts against the Native Americans who had been attacking small out-lying farmers and their property. While Bacon was repeatedly reprimanded, his attacks continued and grew in their ferociousness. Bacon's rebellion ended when a group of his men surrounded Jamestown and burned it to the ground. The rebellion led the wealthy landowners of the time to begin to look elsewhere for cheap labor, fearing they too would have to endure another rebellion similar to that of Nathaniel Bacon (Bacon's 2005). With the emerging slave class in the colonies, twenty-five thousand and growing by 1700, came new laws

Ethics & Governance relating to BP and M&S Case study Essay

Ethics & Governance relating to BP and M&S Case study - Essay Example This audit was called upon after an incident related to BP that led to a fire that took the lives of 15 and harmed 150 people. With reference to the report, the BP was embroiled in cost cutting measures for years. This in turn predisposed the company to catastrophes of this nature. The management of the BP group was the major actor, and the workers, the minor actors. When events of this magnitude (fire tragedy) occur, it becomes the onus of the company to try and polish their image (Mortisheadfsed, 2005, p. 8) On the basis of the British petroleum case, there emerge a plethora of consequences that need to be examined. As is the case, companies thrive on good public image. After the tragedy, it was necessary to support an audit into the safety standards and subsequently implement the recommendations. As such, the safety standards were bound to improve considerably. Through the incorporation of such measures, the industry as a whole would thus move towards adopting similar approaches. On this basis, the ethical and governance aspect would get a huge reinforcement. Another consequence could be the harm that the fire tragedy puts on the company. BP was an industry leader and a crisis of this kind was bound to compromise its leadership status in the market. The CSB report released its view on the company indicating that the company was profit oriented as opposed to the ethics and governance aspects. This is a misguided approach that would affect both the government and the public view on the company. On the process, the company directly jeopardises its market position. This shows the net effect of failing to respond to issues that directly impact on business. The top management of BP is the most culpable of all the actors concerned. It has been found that audit recommendations have not been accounted for. The audit report that arose from the Texas

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

History of Slavery in Colonial America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

History of Slavery in Colonial America - Essay Example The Portuguese first utilized the slave trade around 1562 (Sylvester, 1998). The prime area for slaves was on the west coast of Africa called the Sudan. The peoples inhabiting the Sudan and surrounding areas were known for their skills in agriculture, farming, and mining. Europeans soon realized the commodity these skilled laborers could bring to their countries and began trading them regularly. African tribal wars produced captives, which became a bartering resource in the European slave market. Black and white slave hunters obtained those not captured during war. The main sources of barter used by the Europeans to secure African slaves were glass beads, whiskey, ivory, and guns. The first slaves to arrive in America were brought to the Jamestown settlement in 1619. A Dutch slave trader exchanged his cargo of Africans in that year (Becker, 1999). This was the first time an African set foot in the New World. The first slaves were brought to Jamestown as indentured servants, having to serve seven years for a master before gaining their freedom, the same as white indentured servants. This became a problem in latter years however, when the indentured servants were done with their time, they became competition for their masters and caused outrage among the predominantly white business world. There is some argument a... Some argue however, that the word servant as was used to describe the African slaves by the white settlers was the same inference that the word had in England, which was more akin to the more modern definition of slavery. These same scholars argue that southern plantation owners and slave masters still used the term "servants" to describe their slaves right up until the end of the Civil War. While white indentured servants where still the primary source for cheap labor in the colonies, tensions were growing between the poor workers and the newly emerging merchant class. The merchant class was now able to seize land and hold it as their own, regardless of the poor farmer's objections. The merchant class was also given the right to vote since they were technically landowners. This had the former indentured servants angry, and they were beginning to revolt. Bacon's Rebellion Slavery in the colonies grew in necessity following Bacon's Rebellion. Bacon's Rebellion occurred when a settler named Nathaniel Bacon disobeyed direct orders and seized a tribe of Native Americans for allegedly stealing his corn. Bacon was reprimanded and soon he began leading revolts against the Native Americans who had been attacking small out-lying farmers and their property. While Bacon was repeatedly reprimanded, his attacks continued and grew in their ferociousness. Bacon's rebellion ended when a group of his men surrounded Jamestown and burned it to the ground. The rebellion led the wealthy landowners of the time to begin to look elsewhere for cheap labor, fearing they too would have to endure another rebellion similar to that of Nathaniel Bacon (Bacon's 2005). With the emerging slave class in the colonies, twenty-five thousand and growing by 1700, came new laws

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Summary and analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary and analysis - Essay Example The quantitative information collected like the number of events under the three categories of big, small and medium, event frequency, number of customers covered, selling prices and costs for different items, cost of equipment, various costs etc. is listed out and based on this, financial projections have been made to study the viability of the project. Projections have been made from January to December taking seasonal variations into account. Three products juice, smoothies and soup are assumed to be sold at specified prices. Depreciation of trailer and equipment has been shown as trailer cost and equipment cost. Almost the entire investment is assumed to be funded by a loan. of  £30,000. Profit projections are made month-wise and the Present value of the cash flows has been calculated using a discount rate of 4.4% and the total PV works out to  £75653.53, much higher than the investment of  £30287.64. However, the initial investment seems to have been calculated incorrectly by including various items of expenditure like electricity, petrol etc. and an additional amount of  £500. The correct value of investment should be  £22,450 including only the trailer cost  £14,950 and the equipment cost  £7,500. The NPV will be  £75,636.53- £14,950 =  £60,686.53. The NPV analysis shows that the project is viable and it can be taken up. The profit projections will be realistic only if the assumptions made about the selling prices, costs and the volume of business are correct. Moreover, as pointed out earlier, the calculation of the initial investment is incorrect and needs to be corrected. Moreover, the discount rate of 4.45 per month appears to be very high, since this will be equivalent to an annual rate of more than 50%. However, these corrections will only have the effect of improving the NPV. Based on the analysis, the proposal is viable and

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Imposing Of Goods And Services Tax Economics Essay

The Imposing Of Goods And Services Tax Economics Essay The imposing of Goods and Services Tax (GST) will replace the Malaysian service and sales tax. GST has been implemented in US, Singapore, Thailand and Japan where Malaysias GST will be charged four percent for buying and selling transactions. The basic necessities like sugar, flour, and oil are free from GST in Malaysia. GST is a consumption tax where everyone can be charged of all the supplies of goods and services. For example, if the total price of a good is RM10, then consumers will have to pay an extra 40 cents after GST is charged. However, GST will affect the middle and low income group in Malaysia who use their income for basic necessities. Government impose taxes on the buyers and sellers. When there is a tax on buyers, they will buy less and this discourages consumptions of goods and services. Tax on buyers will increase the cost of buying and hence demand decreases. The demand curve will shifts to left by the tax. Buyers will need more money to buy the goods produced and services performed. When there is a tax on sellers, they will sell less and discourages production of goods and services. Tax on sellers will increase the cost of production and hence decrease the supply of goods and services. As a result, the quantity of the goods sold will decline. The supply curve will shifts to left by the amount of the tax. Buyers and sellers both will have to bear with the tax. The buyers will have to pay more for the goods while the sellers receive less profit. The sellers will earn less if the tax is imposed. The government use the revenue from taxes to subsidy the items which needed by the citizens. Rice, petrol, oil, sugar and chicken are examples that government subsidies for the people. These items are very crucial in their daily life. In my opinion, taxes should be imposing on the selling of cigarettes and alcohols. If the government impose tax on these two items, the demand of cigarettes and alcohols will reduce. This is because cigarettes and alcohols have negative impact in our body. The people slowly realise the importance of having a healthy lifestyle. If the price of cigarettes and alcohols increases, people will consume less. This is because the population of the country mainly consist of lower income group. This group of people do not have enough money to buy when the price goes up. The diagrams below show the illustrations of tax on buyers and tax on sellers. P S Psellers P without tax Pbuyers Tax D1 D0 Tax on buyers 0 Q S1 P S0 Pwithout tax Pbuyers Tax Psellers D Q 0 (b) Tax on sellers Besides tax, price control also regulates the market when the markets fail. Price control consists of two acts which is the ceiling price, the maximum price charged to the consumers and floor price, the minimum price producers sell. Ceiling price is the maximum limit set by the government for goods and services. This is to help the buyers which are the lower income group in Malaysia. The ceiling price is set based on basic necessities like sugar, oil and rice. Ceiling price increases the quantity demanded of a good for consumers and decreases the quantity supplied by the producers or sellers. Sellers cannot sell goods and services above the ceiling price. As a result, they will leave the market. When the quantity demanded is more than quantity supplied, this will incur shortages for goods and services. Producers will not have the incentive to produce more while the consumers will demand more than normal condition. The producers would likely to produce low quality products. Price ceiling have been impose on the sugar market and rice market in Malaysia recently. The producers of sugar will not want to sell their products at ceiling price. Then, the sugar producers will supply less sugar in the market. Hence, the consumers will be facing panic-buying where the consumers scared that they will not have enough sugars to make cakes and drinks especially during festive celebrations. Consumers will be healthier if they have less consumption of sugar. This policy will cause hardship to Malaysians. In contrast, consumers will enjoy the benefit of having a low price for goods and services. Consumers would like to pay less than more on goods and services and save more for their futures. However, the shortage caused by the suppliers or producers creates a black market. This is where the goods and services are bought and sold illegally. Black market creates problem for the poor people. The poor people will not get the goods if they do not have enough money. In a black market, people who bid and willing to pay the highest will get the goods. If the ceiling price of a good in Malaysia is lower than the price in worldwide, the producers will sell the good to other country other than Malaysia. The main reason is they can earn extra profit if they sell overseas through smuggling. Black market always associated with criminal activities like selling firearms, tobacco and drugs. The diagram below shows the illustration of the ceiling price. Price Equilibrium price Supply Equilibrium point Price ceiling (binding) Pe Pn Shortage Demand Qe 0 Quantity demanded (c) Ceiling price The objective of floor price is to raise the revenue of producers. Government set the minimum price for the goods and services that offered by the producers. For example, when the price of petrol increases, the quantity demanded by the consumers decreases. When the quantity demanded reduces, there will be more supply in the market, then surplus of goods and services incur. When surplus occurs, producers will produce too much and consumers demand too little. The surplus bought by the government can be used when there is shortage of goods and services at ceiling price. Consumers would have to pay a higher price for goods and services. The suppliers or producers are guaranteed to a higher price and hence they increase production. However, the producers are guaranteed temporarily as there are more competitions in their own industry. The diagram below shows the illustration of floor price. Surplus P Floor price (binding) Pn S Equilibrium price D Equilibrium quantity 0 Q (d) Floor price In conclusion, the Goods and Services Tax and price control increase the efficiency of the market and have some positive and negative impacts in different public policies. The GST has to be fair with either to suppliers or consumers. Besides public policies, the distribution policy can also increase the efficiency of a market. Ceiling price and floor price are affecting the consumers demand and the suppliers supply curve. The government has to care for the lower income group in order to decrease the cost of basic goods and services in their daily life.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Friar Lawrence in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay

Friar Lawrence of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet In reading critical analysis of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" I found that many people call Friar Lawrence a moderate man who elicits to others his voice of wisdom and reason. An example of this sort of conclusion is George Ian Duthie's opinion that Lawrence is "A very worthy man", "prudent" and "worldly-wise"(xix.xx). G.B. Harrison views him as "sympathetically treated", "wise, grave, patient"(6). Due to this continuing interpretation, the view of Friar Lawrence has not really changed through the years. Mutschman and Wentersdorf followed the herd when they stated in their book that Shakespeare reveals no trace whatever of the widespread prejudices of non-Catholics in connection with this aspect of the life of the Roman Church. On the contrary: he does everything in his dramatic power to show his friars and nuns, their lives and customs, in an unequivocally favorable light. (267) I feel that these conclusions about the character of Friar Lawrence are not so completely true. His character needs deeper examination in spite of the conventional ideas that have been passed from one critic to another throughout the years. Lawrence's highly questionable actions in the drama need be looked at in regards to the position he holds as a man of the cloth. Are his actions wise and acceptable to the church? Is Lawrence a meddlesome man going against his vows to his religion? Or could he merely be yet another stock character that Shakespeare stole from his predecessors? A Historical Look Back In 1594 Shakespeare's audience would have been used to the convention of the friar or other religious persons as the brunt of jokes or humorous situation... ...ml. Byrne, Muriel St. Clare. Elizabethan life in Town and Country. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1954. Duthie, George Ian. Romeo and Juliet. Cambridge: J. Dover Wilson, 1955. Harrison, G.B. Shakespeare The Complete Works. New York: New York Press, 1952. Kennard, Joseph S. The Friar In Fiction. New York: Haskell House Publisher Ltd., 1923. Muir, Kenneth. "Shakespeare and Politics." Shakespeare in a Changing World. 1st. Arnold Kettle. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1964. 124-5. Mutschmann, Henrick, Karl Wentersdorf. Shakespeare and Catholicism. New York: AMS Press, 1969. Reed, Robert Rentoul Jr. Crime and God’s Judgement in Shakespeare. Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky, 1984. Simmons, Joseph Larry. Shakespeare’s Pagan World. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1973.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Feudal society in Champagne :: essays research papers

The fundamental institutions of medieval feudal society are something that many historians have researched at great length. One of the best existing windows into medieval institutions, society, culture, and other matters, is Feudal Society in Medieval France: Documents from the County of Champagne; One of the sections contained in this compilation of documents is on the Crusades. The documents contained in this section are of correspondence between various parties all pertaining to the Crusades.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Contained in this subsection, there are eighteen different compositions pertaining to the crusades, their subjects vary widely as do the motivations of the authors. 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Work by William of Tyre describing the Templars, a group of Knights whose sworn duty was to protect pilgrims to the holy land and keep the routes safe for travel, also known as the Knights of the Temple. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Letter by Bernard of Clairvaux, in this letter he justifies the need for a â€Å"monastic military order† to protect the holy land and all pilgrims. He also writes this to show the benefit of knights who were out for nothing but protection of Christianity, instead of the usual Knights who were out for material gain and used protection of Christianity as an excuse. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Letter by Bernard of Clairvaux, to the Byzantine Emperor, Manuel Comneus, requesting that Henry, the son of Count Thibaut II of Champagne, be granted a Knighthood by the Emperor. He makes this request to make an impression on Henry and most likely also in an effort to strengthen ties between the two powers. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Letter from Louis VII to Count Thibaut II, praising his son Henry. This letter was written as a peace offering to Thibaut, with whom Louis had had extensive prior conflict. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Letter by Bernard of Clairvaux, to Abbot Suger of Sait-Denis, reminding him of the Church’s prohibition of tournaments and alerting him to an upcoming one staged bye Robert, Louis’ brother, as a direct provocation that could lead to an attempt to seize the throne. Bernard wants Suger to stop the tournament before it can happen. 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Letter from Henry, son of Thibaut, to Abbot Suger, requesting a meeting to arrange the release of Anseric Lord of Montreal. 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Letter by Bernard of Clairvaux, to Countess Mathilda, in response to her son Henry the new successor for Count of Champagne’s behavior towards her. 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Statement by Josbert of La Ferte-sur-Aube giving his property to Clairvaux as part of his preparations for going on Crusade this also serves as a document proving title to the land.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Eymp 4 1.1

1. 1: Health and Safety Factors. Factors; Within early years settings, there are various factors to consider for both indoor and outdoor activities. Things that need to be considered with indoor activities are; Safety: Safety gates are needed within any setting with children to keep them safe and secure. The safety gates are used prevent children causing any harm to themselves. Also, safety equipment is needed such as safety scissors to prevent the children randomly cutting themselves. High tables and chairs cannot be used within any setting where there are children.Low tables are needed as it prevents children running into them and causing themselves harm and prevents them giving themselves concussion. Low chairs are used because they can’t cause any harm to the child whereas if they were high chairs, the children could reach for something and fall off the chair. High door handles are very often used early years settings as it prevents the children from attempting to open the door and often there are two handles, a low and a high one so even if the children opened the low door handle, they’d need the high one open to be able to leave.Risk assessments are also needed for anyone Security: Early years settings can have a mass amount of security such as buzzers and identity cards. Buzzers are used so only the staff members can leave and enter the setting at any time they can and need to. This also prevents strangers wandering into the setting. Staff members should also have ID cards, CRB checks all that they are fully qualified to work within that setting.Also, if any other person is to collect a child from the nursery, the parents would need to ring up in advance to alert the staff otherwise if the carer comes into the setting to collect a child, the receptionist would need to ring the parents first to see if it was okay for that person to collect the child, otherwise the parent would normally have to collect that child. Health: Within the early yea rs setting, the children’s health is a big thing. To keep them healthy, they’d need to maintain a balanced diet and have regular exercise.For the child to keep regular exercise, the setting usually has both indoor and outdoor play areas that help to stimulate the children’s learning environment. An outdoor activity gives the child the freedom they need and also gives them more room to move around. The children tend to exercise without acknowledging it. Various activities such as bikes and running around generally helps keep them in a healthy form and active. The cafeteria provides a balanced diet so the child can get all the nutrients they need.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Multiple personality disorder

IntroductionMultiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is one of the dissociative disorders (DD). A dissociative disorder makes a person to experience a transitory adjustment of consciousness. As such, the person has a tendency of diminishing the level of awareness towards the surroundings. Thus, dissociative amnesia and fugue, and depersonalization disorder are the other types of DD. At present, the MPD has been renamed and known in investigative term as the dissociative identity disorder (DID). An MPD or DID shows at least two separate identities of individuality. This as well seizes to manage the persons’ conduct.Richmond (1997) explained that MPD is an abnormal condition in which the personality becomes so fragmented that the various parts cannot even communicate with each other. For the reason that, the personality in MPD is different within the person. This personality can have separate memories, behavior, physical attribution and even gender (http://www.fortea.us/english/psiqu itria/mutiple.htm).Furthermore, the personality is the result of a particular problem of an individual to cope with the environment and the new personality is a mechanism created by the psyche to deal with it. The above notion of Richmond (1997) also suggest that a person develops an alters that is, the different personalities that occur to him. This is observe when the person begins to dissociate in order to create new personality as a way of avoidance to a tremendous situation.Most of the researchers agreed to one notion, that MPD or DID has a significant factor during childhood days. It means that this identity disorder had been developed and can be traced out on past experiences that a person undergone; it can be a traumatic one or an extreme stressful events. In addition, Cherry (n.d.) stressed that this disorder occurs when a child is abused at a young age.As a result, his personality splits into several alters to help himself handle and deal with the stress. Hence, it was arg ued that multiple personality is the result of coping approaches or their means of defense mechanism to keep away from a terrible scenario. Sancar (1994 – 2006) added that these created personalities are then likely to serve as mechanism for coping with situations and events dealing with one particular aspect of the traumatic experience.According to the website (http://www.angelfire.com/nj/Dissociative), DID or MPD is often referred to as a highly creative survival techniques, because it allows an individual to endure hopeless circumstances to preserve some areas of healthy functioning. It serves as the defensive dissociation which becomes reinforced and conditioned. Evidently, dissociative escape is very effective and the patient had already mastered the alters. He may involuntarily use whenever he sense danger or trouble.   This can be concluded that MPD may arise depending on the extent of severe experience and most often referred to as defense mechanism.CausesMore resea rch at present explain the concept of MPD or DID. More likely, researches unified in their investigations in tracing out the origin or causes of this disorder. The cause of the disorder is as yet unknown. However, it has been argued by some researchers that the cause of MPD is due to intense stress, trauma, and even abuses. It was assumed that the on-going trauma of abuse, which happens during childhood, just when personality is developing, somehow causes alternate, distinct personalities to form.   Unlike ego, the alternate personalities can and usually do exist completely out of awareness of the main person or of each other. It is as if the alters live in isolated compartments with no communication among them.This is most often the effect of an early awful scenario. Furthermore, a severe childhood trauma or abuses tend to create a mental split or dissociation as a defense against the traumatic situations.   In this way, they could escape the trauma of abuse, at least temporari ly by creating new personalities to deal with stress. In addition, Frey (n.d.) added that the severe dissociation which characterized by DID is currently understood to result from an innate impulse to dissociate easily, repeated episodes of severe physical or sexual abuse in childhood, lack of a supportive or comforting person to counteract abusive relative(s), and the influence of other relatives with dissociative symptoms or disorder.Moreover, based on studies women are more likely associated with MPD because they are emotional and are commonly sexually abused than men.Some indisputable cases of DID apparently occur as a result of severe, on-going emotional, sexual, or physical abuse. We also know that DID does not seem to happen as an adult response to trauma; say for instance, men who have been tortured for years in prison apparently do not develop DID. Thus, Adult trauma, however, might bring out other personalities if the adult had developed DID in childhood. The process seem to begin only in children. This makes sense, because childhood is the time of life when personality in general develops in all of us.SymptomsThe symptoms (FreeEssays.cc -2003) of an individual with multiple personality disorder are: lack of appropriate emotional response – that is, a person shows an awkward reaction emotionally to a particular events, for example he may project uninterested feeling to a Christmas party or low sense of empathy; memory lose – suggests of forgetting something or not knowing what they have said or done such as lost time or misplacing a thing; feeling dream like; experiencing dissociation which might include dizziness, headaches, numbness in the body; recurrent depression – which tend the person to be sad and despair; anxiety – which the   person felt panic, uneasy, uncomfortable and somehow experiencing phobias;Substance abuse – is a typical scenario were some individuals find it as a substitute or as a defense mecha nism to face their concerns, this is because they have this perception in mind that taking the substance make them feel at peace say for instance, a teenager taking marijuana to forget his family problem; eating disorder such as bulimia, anorexia or compulsive overeating– are another way of coping mechanism of a person in which he averts his attention in taking food excessively instead of facing the problem.In other pole, a person has no appetite to take food regularly due to disturbance of the problem; for example, a girl after a break-up with her boy friend eats too much to divert her attention rather than thinking desperately or a fat lady did after six o’clock meal just to reduce weight; a man suffering stress would probably eat too much to pacify his emotional anxiety or can not eat well; sexual dysfunction – may refer or include addiction and avoidance; has low self-esteem – being not motivated, has no desire or interest to life thus the perception is frail; shame – suggest of being socially anxious or a fear of rejection or of what others might think; sleeping disturbances – which includes insomnia, nightmare and sleepwalking; mood swing – in which a person’s atmosphere changes in present setting.Hence, Sancar (1994) added that the co-occurring symptoms and disorder that associated with DID/MPD had been consistently observed in clinical setting that MPD patients suffered such as from panic, anger, rage, sense of unreality, flashbacks, image trauma, and hyper vigilance. People diagnosed with DID also have a secondary diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).Thus, another significant symptom of MPD is amnesia which can not be explained by ordinary forgetfulness. It is a state which a person cannot remember anything. Generally speaking, it is a condition that the stored information in the brain with his past experiences disappeared that would certainly give him a picture of a tabula raza (Lat in word which means, all is blank and empty). Say for instance, a person with amnesia may loss his memory or any information about his past; he even forgot his name, where he lives, or his family and more forgotten scenario.DID will not be determined if the symptoms will not cause any major disturbances to the person’s life or if they were due to the physiological effects of a substance such as: drugs or alcohol or a general medical condition. This implies that DID/MPD simply be notice when alters ignite in the person’s behavior thus, this is the time were symptoms arises.Therapeutic TreatmentThe treatment for a personality disorder will take considerable time. A few sessions of cognitive-behavioral treatment will likely not have much effect on deeply rooted unconscious conflicts. This will focus on overcoming all of the unhealthy psychological defense mechanisms that have been built up over a lifetime of emotional pain. This will be accomplished primarily through genu ine, honest emotional encounters with the psychologist. In essence, the psychotherapeutic work all depends on the integrity of the psychotherapeutic relationship, through which new, psychologically healthy interpersonal behaviors and healthy boundaries will replace old, unhealthy defense mechanisms (Richmond; 1997-2000).The same as the other personality disorder the MPD or DID is curable. However, it needs to be facilitated or attended with highly qualified practitioner. A thorough and intensive individual psychotherapy or talk therapy. In this case, the session of treatment for psychotherapy is a long-process. It may take a couple of months to a year or more to be concluded. However, a large percentage of people are cured with this method. In this approach, both the person and the therapist must have sense of connection or able to become closer which generate a more trustful companionship.In addition, the other treatment modalities according to Halgins (1997) includes: medication à ¢â‚¬â€œ which some doctors will prescribe antidepressant for DID patient because their alter personalities may have anxiety or mood disorders sometimes patient that are been given medications become psychologically dependent. Hypnotherapy be considered for memory retrieval. The alters may come out and disclose the abusive childhood reminiscences, this is also used for calming and shooting the person during treatment. Is a standard method of treatment with DID patient, because it helps patient recover repressed ideas.It is also an alternative treatment that will help the patient stay clam while pounding out the emotional stresses. Family therapy sessions may also help to end the cycle of abuse. Furthermore, this can be a support group to the client. Because people that are close to him especially his parents and siblings are his nurturing and extending support that would possibly help the patient’s fast recovery.It is as well appropriate to consider the behavioral therapy appr oaching for DID in order to carry out the clients’ natural environment thus able to stress out the current problems and factors influencing them. For the fact that it can create new problem for learning in the assumption that learning can ameliorate problem behavior. Hence, the treatment for DID will last for five to seven year in adults and usually requires several different treatment methods.BIBLIOGRAPHYA. Book  Halgin P. Richard . 1997. Abnormal Psychology: The Human Experience of Psychology Disorders. Usa: Brown and Benchmark PublishersB. Net SourcesSancar Feyza 1994-2006. Exploring Multiple Personality Disorder. Available: http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro99/web3/Sancar.htmlhttp://www.fortea.us/english/psiquitria/mutiple.htmhttp://www.angelfire.com/nj/Dissociative/

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Religiosity of Hwadu (Koan) Meditation

Hwadu means a Korean word for koan. A koan can be pronounced as ko.an, which is a dialog, a question, a story or a statement in the history and lore of Zen Buddhism. Generally containing aspects that are inaccessible to rational understanding, yet that may be accessible to intuition. Human beings are made perfectly. It has the body, soul and spirit which other creatures here on land do not possess. It has the capacity to rationalize things happen around. The human beings are created as the most intelligent and superior creature here on earth but the argument is how can a human being considered as superior when he/she does not aware of his/her own mind? Perhaps, if a human being ponders and seeks what’s really in his/her mind, he/she will be able to comprehend his true nature.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   . A human being who comes to that deep realization and awakening is regarded as a Buddha (Enlightened or Awakened One), a master of all things and a noble man indeed. He or she is one who transcended the commonplace and was awaked from the shared â€Å"bad dream† that we call as normal waking reality. All human beings are perceived as Buddhas in spirit as they are born. But if the mind of a Buddha is obscured by â€Å"normal† upbringing or trauma, he or she will lose awareness of Buddhahood and function as a sentient being. As long as one is only concerned with the body and enslaved by the idea of separation, desire and dependence on satisfaction from the environment, this world will remain as a â€Å"defiled† realm, full of uncertainty, fear and suffering. But upon awakening to one's inherent Buddhahood, this very same world becomes a †Pure   Land†. The purpose of practicing Zen meditation is to awaken the mind. This practice doesn’t involve just sitting quietly and trying to calm and pacify the mind. It doesn’t also entail contemplating the breath. Instead it involves direct inquiry into a hwadu. An example of a hwadu would be a question such as asking of things (what is this? or what is this mind?). What you are searching for can be called by many different names -mind, spirit, soul, true nature, and so forth -but such designations are merely labels. You should put aside all of these names and reflect on the fact that the true master of the body is more than just the label mind. The master of the body is not the Buddha (awakened), for it is not yet awakened nor is it anything material, because it cannot be physically given away or received, nor is it simply empty space, for empty space cannot pose questions or have knowledge of good and evil. There are many ways how hwadu meditation being practiced. Korean Buddhism was able to formulate and developed unique characteristics that will only be found in them. The foremost part of its characteristics is that Korean Buddhism is Seon (Zen: Japanese pronunciation of Chinese character Buddhism. Seon Buddhism follows the tradition of Juaseon or sitting meditation with Hwadu (Koan) practice. The foremost part of its characteristics is that Korean Buddhism is Seon (Zen: Japanese pronunciation of Chinese character Buddhism. Seon Buddhism follows the tradition of Juaseon or sitting meditation with Hwadu (Koan) practice. It aims to bring the human being into his or her own Buddha nature without to study complicated teachings of Buddhism. 1 (Korean Buddhism Basis of Japanese Buddhism, The Soul Times, May29, 2004). The other way is the yogic exercise. Yogic exercise involves not only the mind per se but also it involves body movements like in the form of exercise. There are lots of yogic exercises such as hatha yogic exercise which is known as yoga; physical exercises like jogging, walking, swimming and doing household chores; and yogic breathing. In yogic breathing just combine the three body positions –sitting, standing and lying on the back. To complete it, combine all the three parts- abdominal, middle and upper parts of the chest in a wave-like movement. After exhaling completely, begin to inhale, letting the abdomen come out a little, and filling the lower part of the lungs, then expanding the ribs, while slightly drawing in the stomach until finally the top part of the lungs is filled. Yogic exercise has lots of benefits not only it provides good relaxation but most of all you enjoyed it. The view points of dependent origination especially the religiosity of hwadu meditation is believing and doing the things as they are. Dependent origination is a doctrine that believing the entire teaching of Buddha. They believe in meditation practice especially in tranquility and insight. Buddha taught also breathe, visualization practice and among other as conducive to mental cultivation†¦ Peaceful reflection then gives rise to happiness or bliss, which in turn leads to a state of â€Å"Samadhi† or deep unshakeable concentration. In dependent origination, human being is believed to be anxious and struggle to fulfill their desire which is impossible for anyone to do. The more they search, the more anxious they become. Suffering follows all the way. There is no balance and fulfillment because people's minds are dominated by Ignorance. Therefore, imperfection will always be present. Zen Buddhists are generally known as the â€Å"meditation Buddhists†. Zazen is a particular kind of meditation which is unique to Zen that functions centrally as the very heart of the practice. Basically, zazen is the study of the self. References: Korean Buddhism Basis of Japanese Buddhism. The Seoul Times, May 29, 2004. The Seoul   Times, May 29, 2004 http://www.buddhistnews.tv/current/kr-buddhism-290504.php On Dependent Origination† by Ryuei Michael McCormick   2002. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koan http://www.indiangyan.com/books/yogabooks/yoga_harmony/complete  Ã‚   yogic_breathing.shtml    Â